25.5 x 19 cm
144 pages

Fantastic Plotte


Julie Doucet

25.5 x 19 cm
144 pages

This is the complete (almost complete) content of the Dirty Plotte fanzine. With original French and English versions (with translations). It is the new version of the D&Q book _Lève ta jambe mon poisson est mort _that has long been out of print but with lots more : fanzine covers and stuff.

Comics. Bilingual, With presentation text by Julie Doucet. 2014.

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L’Oie de Cravan
6258 rue De La Roche
Montréal, Qc
H2S 2E1
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Oies de Cravan are born in the rotten masts of ships lost in the gulf of Mexico.
Louis Scutenaire